Negative Quotes

Text Quotes
A negative mind will never give you a positive life (Negative Quotes)
My head is a very dark place (Negative Quotes)
Time doesn't heal anything, it just teaches us how to live with the pain (Negative Quotes)
Just know that everyone feels broken sometimes (Negative Quotes)
He loves me. he loves me not (Negative Quotes)
You killed what was left of the good in me (Negative Quotes)
And, i'm sad. Again (Negative Quotes)
You can't sit with us (Negative Quotes)
Bah, humbug! (Negative Quotes)
I don't like morning people. Or mornings. Or people (Negative Quotes)
You can be stronger than the grip of negativity, just don't give up the fight (Negative Quotes)
I will never be good enough for anyone (Negative Quotes)
I hate how emotional i can be (Negative Quotes)
The days are long but the years are short (Negative Quotes)
You do not impress me (Negative Quotes)
Things are just getting worse (Negative Quotes)
Dear self, don't focus on the negative (Negative Quotes)
So much ambition but no motivation (Negative Quotes)
You see so much in me when i see nothing left at all (Negative Quotes)
Want to know a secret? i don't want to live anymore (Negative Quotes)
I'm still alive but i'm barely breathing (Negative Quotes)
How can i run away from myself? (Negative Quotes)
Eventually everyone gets sick of me (Negative Quotes)
Worthless repeats in her mind as she holds onto what's left of her (Negative Quotes)
I'm a lightweight, easy to fall, easy to break (Negative Quotes)
If you follow me, you will only get lost (Negative Quotes)
Are your thoughts killing you? (Negative Quotes)
I wish I wasn't always wrong I wish it wasn't always my fault (Negative Quotes)
I just want to sleep and never wake up (Negative Quotes)
It's always worse than it seems (Negative Quotes)